Saturday, March 31, 2007

Question of the Day...

I saw this on another blog and thought I'd ask the question and then give my response.
What is your earliest moment of cooking/baking of your own?

My earliest recollection of baking is when I got my first easy bake oven. Oh how I loved this easy bake oven. It came with lots of cake and cookie mixes. I quickly baked through these and then decided I would make my own cakes from scratch. My mom, who is not much of a baker(amazing cook,but not a baker)gave me free reign in the kitchen. I came up with a sure fired cake recipe. I baked it and remember my first bite...I had expected it to be scrumptious. Obviously I was a natural,but to my astonishment it tasted absolutely disgusting! No one would eat anything more than the morsel I offered. I ended up feeding it to my dog Smokey who later on puked it up!!


Blogger Sharijoy said...

Thats funny.........I remember I had one too, probally why I can make a great dessert and suck at the meal part

April 1, 2007 at 9:30 PM  

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